Tuesday, December 28, 2010

slinky blue

She's a natural

Rainbow road

Blue fall

Purple Huntington

This is my cousin, Yenny, whom I conned into modeling for me.  I thought the beach would be a perfect location for the shoot, boy was I almost wrong.  The wind made a good shot almost impossible but  I was relentless to get a good shot and as a result  we were there for hours.  I was such a bossy photographer.  P.s  it's a wig

Traje de baƱo

This is my first attempt at making a swim suit.  I loved the fabric.

Pretty bows

My inspiration for this dress was ..sexy. Ballerina, Cameryn Titus models the dress in her ballet shoes.
 The back is open and has a bow that meets at the very end of the opening.  I have this dress in a pabst blue.

Holly Gray

This is a simple cut, gray dress.

Green summer

After having everyone I know model for me, it was time to try it out.  This is the summer white dress with ruffles at the top.   I wanted a Monroe look, hence the beauty mark.  My friend Victoria Velasquez did a great job on my makeup. 

Over the shoulders

Upside down house

This was probably the second fashion shoot and once again it was a guessing game.   My model, Valeri Velasquez is wearing a gray tank with pockets that look like an upside down house and a green skirt with two folds on the ends.

First Fashion shoot

This is the first fashion shoot.  What I was doing at the time, I don't know. I am talking about slapping some makeup on my model and trying to get a decent shot.  After messing around with several locations, we took the fashion shoot outside, just in front of the house to the elementary school.  

This is what I call the zig zag dress because of its diagonal shoulder straps.  The red color looks great
against her tanned skin.


The start of it all

I had been creating fashion since I could remember.  It was small things like trying to sew dresses for my dolls up to until recent years, actual dresses for my twenty first.   It was  never anything  formal though, I had no training, just slap something on and sew.  I never knew how important sewing had become in my life until I studied abroad a year without my sewing machine.    The only thing I could think of throughout the year was sewing.  I came back to the states with vengeance.  This is the beginning of my evolution as a designer and the one I strive to be.